Children learn best when their individual differences are taken into consideration.
Children continue to develop a love and understanding of reading. Books pertaining to each theme are chosen and children are encouraged to recall information from stories, predict what will happen next and ask questions about the books being read. Children are also invited to express themselves through drawing and writing. Basic letter and sound recognition begins the writing process.
“Mathematics Their Way,” provides an activity centered mathematics program for early childhood education. New skills, such as symmetry, measurement and graphing are introduced during large group times. Small group times allow for the mastery of previously acquired skills, such as comparing more and less, bigger & smaller, and patterning.
Science and Social Studies encourage children to delve into the world around them. Using their five senses as tools, children begin to observe, classify and collect information about their world and the people in it. Throughout the year, children explore seasonal changes, such as changes in weather, changes in plant growth and changes in animal behavior. Through Social Studies, children utilize basic map skills to navigate their own states, towns and schools. Exploration of community helpers encourages children to develop their own role in the school community.
Gross motor skills are essential for the complete development of a child. The mastery of gross motor skills is promoted through marching, hopping, running, jumping, and dancing. Fine Motor Skills are also essential for the complete development of a child. The mastery of fine mo- tor skills is promoted through cutting, stringing beads and using writing utensils.
Children develop social skills while learning to understand rules and routines, beginning to understand the consequences of their own behaviors, and solving simple conflicts. They learn these skills by identifying and discussing feelings, role playing situations involving conflict, and practicing these skills in their everyday lives.